
Noe's third week with Dick & Trina

This was a big week in the life of Noe. In celebration of her first steps, she was moved from her cardboard box in the guest bathroom to her little tent/bed in the master bathroom. Now that she's walking, we wanted her to be able to walk out of her bed and explore the room without relying on us for help. She was introduced to solid food, which she did manage to eat a little of on her own. By the end of the week, we were still helping her wean off of the formula by mixing it with the solid food, and feeding her with her bottle. Noe was also introduced to her litterbox, and took to it amazingly well. By the end of the week, she was using it on her own!

Trina was out of town for 5 days towards the end of the week. When she returned, she was amazed to see how much Noe had grown! She was an entire pound, and her ears were huge! Noe became remarkably playful by the end of the week. She's chasing Marcel around the room, playing with her toys, and even figured out how to clean herself.

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