Chuck and May
Chuck: This is when we got married. I was twenty-seven. Your Grandma was
fifteen. When I went back to China in '47, this was taken. This picture is
pretty good. How did I meet your Grandma? Well, her auntie talked to my Great
Uncle. Just like match maker. "Go back and marry my niece." Okay.
May: How did I meet Grandpa? My auntie. She met him in United States.
And Grandpa's Uncle.... they just talked about it. And then my Auntie said, "I
got a niece..they want to come over." It was an arranged marriage.
Did I like him? Well.......... we couldn't say nothing, because it was a long
time ago, in China. Only the parents arrange everything, you know. Everything
was okay. He was a nice guy. Yeah, he was a nice guy. And then, after I met
him, then one week, grandpa's mother and auntie come from the village At first
we wanted to get married American style, you know, but then Grandpa's mother
said, "No, no. You can't do that. You have to go back to the village." Because
she only had one child, and she wanted him to get married inside the village.
Because Grandpa had a Grandma, and a Great-Grandma. A lot of people came out to
the village that I didnt' know.
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